Skunkware 5
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156 lines
Xconq 0 -+---- Carrier operations in the Pacific
Period 0
"WW II, in the Pacific, aboard a carrier" period-name
"f" "fighter" "" utype
"d" "dive bomber" "" utype
"t" "torpedo bomber" "" utype
"p" "PBY" "" utype
"D" "destroyer" "" utype
"S" "submarine" "" utype
"E" "escort carrier" "" utype
"r" "light cruiser" "" utype
"R" "heavy cruiser" "" utype
"C" "carrier" "" utype
"B" "battleship" "" utype
"/" "base" "" utype
"o" "fuel" "how to get around" rtype
"a" "ammo" "small stuff" rtype
"A" "shell" "8 to 16 inch" rtype
"b" "bomb" "iron bombs" rtype
"!" "torps" "death to ships" rtype
"." "sea" "sky blue" ttype
"," "atoll" "cyan" ttype
"+" "island" "forest green" ttype
[ 0 96 98 ] t* min-alt
[ 96 98 100 ] t* max-alt
95 alt-roughness
sea default-terrain
sea edge-terrain
"1e" f icon-name
"1e" d icon-name
"torpbombr" t icon-name
"pby" p icon-name
"dd" D icon-name
"ca" r icon-name
"sub" S icon-name
"cv" E icon-name
"cv" C icon-name
"ca" R icon-name
"bb" B icon-name
"airbase" / icon-name
[ f d t p ] "air" define
[ r R B ] "heavy" define
[ E C ] "carriers" define
[ D S E r R C B ] "ships" define
[ o a A b ! ] "stuff" define
100 sea ships favored
100 [ atoll island ] / favored
4 country-size
30 country-min-distance
32 country-max-distance
[ 8 8 8 4 6 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 ] u* in-country
true / always-seen
500 [ fuel ammo ] ships storage
20 fuel air storage
40 fuel p storage
2 a air storage
0 a p storage
2 b d storage
2 ! t storage
10 ! [ D S ] storage
50 [ b ! ] C storage
25 [ b ! ] E storage
50 A heavy storage
1000 r* / storage
3 fuel air consume
9 air speed
6 p speed
3 ships speed ; gross simplification
0 t* air moves
0 t* p moves
0 sea ships moves
2 atoll ships moves
1 fuel u* to-move
4 air E capacity
8 air C capacity
100 u* / capacity
100 u* u* enter-time
1 air volume
4 E hold-volume
8 C hold-volume
100 / hold-volume
10 S visibility
[ 5 5 5 5 10 10 20 ] ships hp
100 / hp
50 u* u* hit
80 air f hit
60 f f hit
0 u* p hit
20 carriers f hit
20 air S hit
70 S D hit
100 / u* hit
0 / [ S E C ] hit
10 u* carriers hit
1 u* u* damage
3 u* heavy damage
4 ships [ t D S ] damage
10 [ C B ] [ t D S ] damage
10 / B damage
1 a air hits-with
1 a [ E C ] hits-with
1 b d hits-with
1 ! [ t D S ] hits-with
1 A heavy hits-with
1 [ b ! ] ships hit-by
1 a air hit-by
1 A u* hit-by
50 air carriers protect
"sinks" ships destroy-message
"shoots down" air destroy-message
; 0 air control
This is a somewhat expanded version of the navy in the standard period.
Each side commands a large fleet, and the sole objective is to wipe out
the enemy's fleet. There are different kinds of planes and ships, but
nothing else.
Speeds of ships are uniform, so that formations work better (don't want
the carriers outstripping their escorts).
You do *not* get complete control over the aircraft! Those undisciplined
pilots just do what they feel like doing, and only take about half their